Sketches and Concept Illustrations
During the Pitch it was suggested that the character looked too much like Marv from Sin City. It was also stated that the character design was far too detailed and was too realistic. Although I like this character design, revisions will have to be made. I will have to re design the character of Frank especially in the face so that he does not look similar to Marv. I have also decided to go for a more stylized approach so that various features are a little exaggerated which may fit better within an animation short.
Colour Character Design of Frank wearing jacket.

Within the animation short you will never know his name. I gave this character a name so that I could associate myself with the character. When I was writing the script I had to imagine what Frank would be experiencing within the scene. I had to imagine what thoughts were going through his head, his feelings and emotions. I chose the name Frank because it has a classical ring to it and because it is a strong and tough name. The name would thus have a large impact on the overall design of Frank.
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